Hiking in Tondela (Tondela)
On my way to Caramulo, more precisely to the mountain village of “Jueus” where we would spend the weekend, we made a brief stop in the city of Tondela to stretch our legs and feed our stomachs.
On a very cloudy morning, we parked the car next to the city court in Dr. Anselmo Ferraz de Carvalho Square and since we had some time to “kill” before lunch, a short walk seemed like a great idea. So we did it.
Caramulo Mountain calls us from the top while we walk the city streets to unveil some of Tondela secrets.
We walk in Mother Church direction and opposite we find the Municipal Museum of Tondela – “Terras de Besteiros”. Implanted in Sant’Ana Mansion, on Dr. Simões de Carvalho street, it’s located in one of the city main roads, in a privileged position to show the history, culture and heritage of this region.
Caramulo Mountain calls us from the top while we walk the city streets to unveil some of Tondela secrets.
We continue walking northwest on Visconde de Tondela avenue and turn on Dr. Teófilo da Cruz street to find the Urban Park. While the adults contemplate the green of the lawn and some trees that grow there, the younger ones can enjoy a modern playground where a kind of a giant “cataplana” (a kind of a pan) makes the delights of those who swing in it.
After walking through the park, we return to 25 de Abril avenue and later on General Humberto Delgado avenue until we find the Municipal Garden in Dr. Anselmo Ferraz de Carvalho square.
It was time to climb the mountain. Caramulo was waiting for us and the cold night was approaching. The quiet rest in the village of Jueus was more than certain. Stay tuned to the next article to know this typical mountain village.
Points of Interest: Municipal Garden, “Terra de Besteiros” Museum, Tondela’s Mother Church and Urban Park.





122melevation gain uphill

124melevation gain downhill


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