Hiking Discovering Ponte de Sor (Ponte de Sor)
This small walk starts at “Praça da República”, next to Ponte de Sor Municipal Market. While spending a few days in the region and after an excellent lunch in a local restaurant, I couldn’t miss the opportunity for a short walk along the Sor River.
There is a marked pedestrian trail (“PR1 PSR – Percurso da Ribeira de Sor”) which extols the river and frame it on a 11km trail but this is for the next visit to the region.
I follow the path next to Sor River. This water line divides the urban area of the one where predominates agricultural fields and some hills where we didn’t notice the presence of men.
Today this walk would be shorter and by Vaz Monteiro Street I quickly reach the Marginal Green Park where I hike north by the path near the river. This water line divides the urban area of the one where predominates agricultural fields and some hills where we didn’t notice the presence of men. After the pools, where the fun and good mood on this hot day was noticeable in the joyful screams of the children bathed there, I returned by the ever-present shadows. On Damião de Góis Street, I arrive at Marquês de Pombal Square where the Mother Church of Saint Francis of Assisi takes on particular importance. I returned to the starting point of this walk, without missing the fantastic “Street Art” work by “Zed1” called “The Cure“. You can’t miss it.
Points of Interest: Sor River, Marginal Green Park and “The Cure”.






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