Francisco Alvares Nóbrega Viewpoint (Machico – Madeira)

The night was mild. On the last night on Madeira island, only a slight breeze blew as if it were a longing sigh. Yes, tomorrow we would return home.
After dinner and to spend the last moments on Madeira, we left the apartment for a short family walk.
We say goodbye to these idyllic landscapes knowing, now, that the return is a certainty.
A few dozen meters ahead, we stopped at Francisco Alvares Nóbrega Viewpoint where a deep silence reigned. This viewpoint was named after the poet, also known as “Camões Pequeno” (Little “Camões”), who was born in the city of Machico in 1773. After being persecuted by the Inquisition Court, he died in 1806 in Lisbon, shortly after leaving prison.
The night in Machico was calm, some cars streaked the streets with their yellow headlights and in the bay the waves were gently diluted on the beach sand.
We say goodbye to these idyllic landscapes knowing, now, that the return is a certainty. Many more adventures await us on the next visit. See you soon Madeira!
A’ Ilha da Madeira.
Do vasto Oceano flor, gentil Madeira,
Que de murta viçosa o cimo enlaças,
Sóbria a teu seio amamentando as Graças
Co’o vitreo succo da immortal Parreira.
D’aquelle, que em ti viu a luz primeira,
Se acaso é crivei que inda apreço faças,
Entre o prazer das brincadoras taças,
Recolhe a minha producção rasteira.
É donativo escasso, eu bem conheço;
Mas o desejo, que acompanha a offrenda,
Lhe avulta a estima, lhe engrandece o preço.
Deixa que a roda o meu Destino prenda;
Em cessando estes males, que padeço,
Talvez então mais altos dons te renda.
by Francisco Álvares de Nóbrega


ER 2399200-209 Machico

32.713004,-16.764839coordenadas geográficas
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