Ascent to Pombal Castle (Pombal)
This walk begins at Carlos Alberto da Mota Pinto Street and heads towards Cardal Garden and Várzea Garden in the city center. Here I gave special attention to the Bandstand, Pergola, Marquês do Pombal Bust, Pink House and the Fountain, a classified monument offered to Pombal in 1911.
Lurking on the roofs, the Castle walls invite the ascent of the mountain and the discovery of this monument that was once erected with the purpose of forming with others the Mondego defensive line, guarding the accesses to the city of Coimbra.
At 1st of May Street I found the trail to start the climb. Many steps later I reach the Panoramic Café in the courtyard of the Castle that, in a privileged location, welcomes tourists and local residents with breathtaking views over Pombal city. The castle and the city are closely linked because the city was born with the construction of its castle by Gualdim Pais (Master of the Order of the Temple) between 1156 and 1171, the first date is more credible according to several written testimonies.
On every rock you can almost hear a story of times gone by.
I follow the trail that surrounds it and inside the walls, I go up to the Keep where I learn more about the restoration works that the Castle has suffered over time.
At the top of the Keep I have an overview of the various sections of the Castle and the surrounding region. On every rock below you can almost hear a story of times gone by.
Being classified as a National Monument is today a pole of attraction for tourists to the city and during my brief visit I saw them walking this old trails.
I go down to the city to comfort the stomach and return home.
More information about Pombal Castle here.
Points of Interest: Cardal Garden, Várzea Garden, Pombal Castle.




4,2kmlinear – round trip

247melevation gain uphill

240melevation gain downhill


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